[今日經文 Today’s Reading: 提摩太後書 2 Timothy 1-4]

14 至於你,你要持守所學習的和所確信的,因為你知道是跟誰學的, 15 並且知道你從小明白聖經,這聖經能使你因在基督耶穌裏的信有得救的智慧。… 4:5 至於你
14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. .. 4:5 As for you

提摩太後書 2 Timothy 3:14-15

保羅警告提摩太,在末後的日子裡,人們會參與並慶祝許多邪惡的行為(提摩太前書 3:1-9)。 在他的整封信中,保羅不斷提醒提摩太你與眾不同:“你”(3:10),“至於你”(3:14),“至於你”(4:5)。 因爲提摩太從小就學習並明白聖經,保羅鼓勵他“要持守[他]所學習的和[所]確信的”。

在我們這個時代,看到許多從小學習聖經的孩子長大後無法抗拒世界的影響並因此離開信仰,這是非常令人警醒的。 原因之一是去融入周遭文化的巨大壓力。 讓我們記住,“其實,凡立志在基督耶穌裏敬虔度日的,也都將受迫害。” (3:12)。 事實上,我們不應該以融入世界為目標, 相反的,我們應該“同那以純潔的心求告主的人追求公義、信實、仁愛、和平”(2:22),過一種不同的生活。我們無法控制他人的行為,但至少我們可以下定決心“至於[我], [我]要持守[我]所學習和確信的”。

正如俄羅斯小說家亞歷山大·索爾仁尼琴在給俄羅斯人民的最後寄語“不要靠謊言生活!”中所說的那樣。 如果我們必須生活在謊言的獨裁統治下,那麼我們的回應必須是:“不要讓他們的統治通過我來實現!”

禱告:親愛的主,願祢給我們力量和勇氣去抵抗世界的壓力,下定決心不靠謊言生活,即使在迫害之下,也要持守祢的真理。 奉耶穌的名,阿們!

Paul warned Timothy that in the last days people would participate in and celebrate many evil practices (1 Tim. 3:1-9). Throughout his letter, Paul charged Timothy to be different: “You” (3:10), “But as for you” (3:14), “as for you” (4:5). Timothy had known and studied the Scriptures from childhood and Paul encouraged him to “continue in what [he had] learned and [had] firmly believed”.

In our times, it is very sobering to see that many children who have grown up learning the Scriptures are unable to resist the influences of the world and consequently leave the faith. One reason is the tremendous pressure to fit in with the surrounding culture. Let us be reminded that “[i]ndeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (3:12). In fact we should not aim to fit into the world; in contrast, we should “pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart” (2:22). We cannot control the actions of others but at least we can resolve that, as for ourselves, we will continue in what we have learned and have firmly believed (3:14).

As Russian novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn stated in his final message to the Russian people entitled “Live Not by Lies!”, if we must live under a dictatorship of lies, then our response must be: “Let their rule hold not through me!

Prayer: Dear Lord, may you give us strength and courage to resist the world’s pressure and to resolve not to live by lies but rather to continue in Your Truth even if under persecution. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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