詩篇 71:18  神啊,我年老髮白的時候,求你不要離棄我!等我宣揚你的能力給下一代,宣揚你的大能給後世的人。

Psalm 71:18 So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.

“那世代的人也都歸到自己的列祖。後來興起的另一世代不認識耶和華,也不知道他為以色列所做的事。(士師記2:10)這節經文生動地描述了今天的美國。總的來說, 新一代不認識上帝,“宣揚[神]的能力給下一代,宣揚[神]的大能給後世的人”,是我們給下一代最好的投資! 世俗化的”集結風暴”一直在把上帝從我們的下一代清除;為神國的服事是沒有退休的;為了向下一代宣揚上帝的大能,父母和祖父母需要學習下一代的語言,即學習英語。 既然我們選擇住在美國,讓我們像傳教士在宣教工場學習新語言一樣學習英語 。父母和祖父母,讓我們用他們的語言加能下一代 – 宣揚[神]的能力和上帝在我們身上的作為給下一代!

This verse vividly describes today’s America. The new generation in general does not know the Lord. To “proclaim [God’s] might… [and God’s] power to all those to come” is the best investment for us to give to the next generation! “The gathering storm” of secularization has been wiping God out from the next generation. There is no retirement from working for God’s Kingdom. In order to proclaim God’s might to the next generation, parents and grandparents need to learn the language of the next generation, that means to learn English. Since we choose to live in America, let us learn English as a missionary learns new languages on the mission field. Parents and grandparents, let us empower the next generation by telling them about God’s power and about how God works in our lives in their language! 

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