以賽亞書 54:13 你的兒女都要領受耶和華的教導,你的兒女必大享平安。

Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord,  and great shall be the peace of your children.

今天我們的兒女有麻煩了。心理學教授珍·特溫格博士(Jean M. Twenge博士)的著作 “我世代 Generation Me” 的副標題寫實得描繪出這光景:“為什麼今天美國的年輕人比以前更有自信,獨斷,特權- 卻比以前更加悲慘 Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled — and More Miserable Than Ever Before.”。我們的年輕一代比前幾代人更容易遭受焦慮,沮喪甚至自殺。我們不能忽略,在大多數學校,社交媒體以及我們許多孩子的同齡人中學到的東西都不符合聖經的教導, 難怪他們沒有平安。不幸的是,有時甚至在我們的教會中,我們也使用世俗的方式來嘗試解決問題。我們已經忘記了“神的神能已把一切關乎生命和虔敬的事賜給我們”。 (彼得後書1:3)上帝應許我們並命令我們:“你的兒女都要領受耶和華的教導,你的兒女必大享平安。” 誰在教我們的兒女,我們的兒女在學什麼,這不僅在主日學中很重要,而且在一周中所有剩餘的99%小時中也很重要。上帝希望我們的兒女受到祂的教導;讓我們對兒女也有同樣的願望。

Our children are in trouble today. The subtitle of the book, Generation Me, by psychology professor Dr. Jean M. Twenge, says it well: “Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled — and More Miserable Than Ever Before.” Our young generation suffers more anxiety, depression, and even suicide much more than previous generations. We cannot ignore that what is learned in most schools, from social media, and from many of our children’s peers is not according to the teachings of the Bible. Unfortunately, sometimes even in our churches we use secular ways to try to fix the problem. We have forgotten that “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.” (2 Peter 1:3) God promises us and commands us: “All [our] children shall be taught by the Lord,  and great shall be the peace of [our] children.” Who is teaching our children and what is being taught to our children matters not just in Sunday School but in all of the 99% remaining hours of the week. God wants our children to be taught by Him; let us have the same desire for our children.

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