Psalm 詩篇 18

4 The cords of death encompassed me; the torrents of destruction assailed me;
the cords of Sheol entangled me; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.

4 死亡的繩索勒住我,毀滅的急流驚嚇我,陰間的繩索纏繞我,死亡的圈套臨到我。我在急難中求告耶和華,向我的 神呼求。他從殿中聽了我的聲音,我在他面前的呼求必進入他耳中。

At times when David was pursued by Saul and other enemies, he felt death closing around him like a torrent, encompassing and entangling him. In his distress he called upon the Lord for help, and God “reached down from on high and took hold of [him]…drew [him] out of deep waters.” (v. 16). God has the best 911 call system! He “will neither slumber nor sleep” (Ps 121:4). God is available any time and anywhere. You never need to worry about getting a busy line or about God’s ability. God brings light to our darkness; by Him “[we] can run against a troop, … [we] can leap over a wall” (18:28-29). Therefore when you are in distress, do not lose hope but “call God’s 911”; His help is only a call away!

當大衛被掃羅和其他敵人追趕時,他感到死亡像洪流一樣在他身邊圍繞,包圍並糾纏了他。 他在急難中求告耶和華,上帝“他從高天伸手抓住我,把我從大水中拉上來。” (第16節)。 上帝擁有最好的911緊急救助通話系統! 祂“不打盹,也不睡覺”(詩121:4)。 上帝隨時隨地都可以接通。 您無需擔心佔線或上帝的能力。上帝為我們的黑暗帶來光明。 藉著祂的話“照明我們的黑暗。使我們衝入敵軍,跳過城牆”(18:28-29)。 因此,當您陷入困境時,不要失去希望,而要“播打上帝的911”。 祂的幫助只有一個電話之遙!

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