
Come, O children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

詩篇 Psalm 34:11 (讀經進度Reading Plan:詩篇 Psalm 31-36)

敬畏耶和華是聖經的主要主題之一,但在我們這個時代已成為被遺忘的教義。大衛通過他對上帝美善的祈禱,激勵我們不僅自己享受上帝的美善,而且還要教導我們的孩子敬畏上帝。教導我們的孩子敬畏上帝非常重要,因為“惡人眼中不懼怕上帝”。 (詩篇 36:1)沒有一個孩子出生就知道規則。每個孩子都必須被教導。如果父母不教他們的孩子敬畏上帝,世界會教他們,至終他們將成為世界的孩子。 在主日學中的一小時不足以教導我們的孩子敬畏上帝,特別是考慮到每週 30 個小時的公立學校教育和無數與孩子的公立學校教育相關的間接活動和關係時數。

我們的父母常常讓我們的養育方法受我們取悅孩子的願望所支配。把孩子的願望放在首位的父母最終可能只會贏得孩子的蔑視,而不是他們的愛。 (請參閱醫學博士、醫學博士倫納德·薩克斯 (Leonard Sax) 的研究和著作。)


The fear of the LORD is one of the major themes in the Bible, but it has become a forgotten doctrine in our time. David, through his prayer about the goodness of God, compels us not just to enjoy God’s goodness ourselves but moreover to teach our children the fear of the Lord. This is very important because “there is no fear of God before the eyes of wicked.” (Psalm 36:1) No child is born knowing the rules. Every child must be taught. If parents do not teach their children to fear God, the world will teach them and they will become children of the world. One hour in Sunday School is not enough to teach our children the fear of the Lord, especially given the 30 direct hours per week of public school education and countless indirect hours of activities and relationships developed related to our children’s public school education.

Too often we parents allow our parenting methods to be governed by our desire to please our children. The parent who puts the child’s wishes first may end up earning only the child’s contempt, not their love. (See the studies and writings of Leonard Sax, MD, PhD.)

The fear of the Lord needs to be taught not just by our words but also by how we think and live out our day to day lives. Parents, especially those of us who are fathers, let us call to our children: “Come, O children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord”!

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