詩篇 36:因為在你那裏有生命的泉源,在你的光中,我們必得見光。

Psalm 36: For with you is the fountain of life;  in your light do we see light.

讚美上帝,今天早上我剛剛做了一次很好的視力檢查。 且兩眼的視力也都有所改善。就在一年前,我還在為兩隻眼睛的視力而戰。 2020年雖然艱難,但即將結束。 讓我們大家在未來的ㄧ年在基督裡找到希望和光明!底下生命的旋律是我在號角月刊分享的見證!直接點擊.

Praise the Lord, I just had a good eye check-up this morning. Both eyes even improved a little! Just one year ago I was still battling for my both eyes. Year 2020 is tough but is ending soon. Let us all find hope and light in Christ for the year to come! Below is the detailed testimony about my eyes.

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