希 伯 來 書 3:14 我 們 若 將 起 初 確 實 的 信 心 堅 持 到 底 , 就 在 基 督 裡 有 分 了 。

Hebrews 3:14 For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.

我們經常聽到要“贏在起跑點”,所以很多父母把小小孩送去學習高深的課程。 但是在生活中特別是屬靈生活,終點更重要。 重點是我們是否能跑到終點線。 希伯來書的作者鼓勵遭受迫害的猶太基督徒“將起初確實的信心堅持到底”,這樣他們才能在基督裡有份。 (來3:14)這是一個嚴肅的警告:如果我們不跑到終點,我們就不會在基督裡有份。 在曠野的以色列一代失敗了因為不信,因此他們無法進入應許之地。 我們的下一代有許多人已經退出了比賽,不再向上帝道路奔跑。 願上帝興起新的一代能“將起初確實的信心堅持到底”! 這應是教會和父母今天所關注的重點!

We often hear that we need to “win at the beginning” so many parents push even their very little ones to learn advanced subjects. But in life, it is actually more important how we end. The question is whether or not we can get to the finish line. The author of the book of Hebrews encouraged Jewish Christians who were under persecution to “hold their original confidence firm to the end” so they would have a share in Christ. (Heb. 3:14) What a sober warning: if we do not get to the finish line, we will not have a share in Christ. The unbelieving generation of the Israelites failed in the wilderness so they were not able to enter the Promised Land. Many of our next generation have already dropped out of the race and are not running towards God at all. May God raise a generation that “would hold their original confidence firm to the end”! This is what the focus of the Church and parents should be today!

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