The Story of the Church & Our Beliefs

以弗所書 5:25 作丈夫的,你們要愛自己的妻子,正如基督愛教會,為教會捨己.
Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

丹·金博爾(Dan Kimball)的書的標題是“他們喜歡耶穌,但不喜歡教會:新生代的見解”,該書描述了年輕一代的光景, 他們選擇離開教會,但仍然“喜歡耶穌”。然而在以弗所書5:25中,我們讀到“基督愛教會並為她捨己”。如果我們愛耶穌(而不僅是喜歡耶穌),那麼我們也應該愛他的教會,因為他為教會捨己。我們不知道如何愛教會,因為我們實際上不知道教會的故事和信仰背後的故事。是的,教會並不完美,甚至有時會嚴重失敗,但上帝仍在努力“使她成聖,洗淨她”,“好獻給自己,作榮耀的教會”。 (以弗所書5:26-27)從10月3日星期六開始,持續10個星期六,美東時間從上午9:30到上午11點,讓我們ㄧ起來學習“教會和我們信仰的故事”,好使我們知道如何愛教會並讓教會的故事繼續下去!

Kimball which describes the situation of the younger generation. They are leaving the institutional church but say they still “like Jesus”. Yet in Ephesian 5:25 we read “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”. If we love Jesus (not just like Him) then we ought to love His church for He gave Himself up for her. We do not know how to love the Church because we do not actually know the story of the Church and the story behind our beliefs. Yes, the Church is not perfect and has even sometimes greatly failed, but God is still at work to “sanctify her, washing her” to “present the church to himself in splendor.” (Ephesian 5:26-27) Starting from Sat., October 3, and continuing for ??? Saturdays afterwards, from 9:30 am to 11 am, you are encouraged and welcome to join me as we learn “The Story of the Church & Our Beliefs” so we can know how to love the Church. And may the story of the Church continue!

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