2 Chronicles 20:12 O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”13 Meanwhile all Judah stood before the Lord, with their little ones, their wives, and their children.
歷代志下 20:12 我們的 神啊,你不懲罰他們嗎?因為我們無力抵擋這來攻擊我們的大軍。我們不知道該怎麼做,我們的眼目單仰望你。」13 猶大眾人和他們的孩童、妻子、兒女都站在耶和華面前。

What is your response when you are facing challenges? When King Jehoshaphat’s faced a great multitude of enemies, He sought the Lord’s help and followed King Solomon’s instructions to assemble all of Judah at the court of the Temple to pray. Prayer is a gesture of humility. Jehoshaphat recognized that he was weak and that he didn’t know what to do; his response was to turn his eyes towards God. More than that, he assembled all of Judah young and old to pray. A leader’s prayers and actions will effect those under his leadership. While it is important for an individual to pray, it is even more important and powerful when the leader gathers all to pray. Parents, fathers in particular: let us gather the whole family to pray before the Lord, especially in this time of pandemic. Then we will be able to experience God’s salvation together!
當您面臨挑戰時,您的反應是什麼? 當約沙法王面對眾多敵人時,他尋求主的幫助,並遵循所羅門王的指示,將所有猶大召集到聖殿的殿堂祈禱。 禱告是謙卑的姿態。 無力抵擋這來攻擊我們的大軍。我們不知道該怎麼做。 他的反應是轉向上帝。 不僅如此,他召聚”猶大眾人和他們的孩童、妻子、兒女都站在耶和華面前”。 領導者的祈禱和行動將影響他所領導的。 儘管個人祈禱很重要,但當領導者聚集所有人祈禱時,就顯得尤為重要和強大。 父母,尤其是父親:讓我們聚集整個家庭在耶和華面前禱告,尤其是在大流行時期。 這樣我們就能一起經歷上帝的救恩!


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